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Careers Guidance Services

Beacon East provide high quality careers guidance services to meet the latest statutory requirements and most importantly guide students correctly to the next stage on their 'life path.'


Beacon East provide high quality careers guidance services to meet the latest statutory requirements and most importantly guide students correctly to the next stage on their life path.

Since September 2012, schools have been asked provide independent and impartial careers guidance for their students. The latest government guidance, published in January 2023, reiterated the statutory requirement that all schools must provide appropriately trained and independent careers guidance for their students in years 7 - 13. This is also stated in benchmark eight of the Gatsby framework for outstanding careers in schools.


Our services

Beacon East can provide your institution with a Level 6 Careers Adviser from a team of highly experienced practitioners. Our advisers provide a flexible service, including 1-2-1 guidance. This provision is designed to complement other support your institution may already access. We do not adopt a 'one fit all' model. We will listen to your institution’s individual needs to deliver the package you want. Advisers provide a comprehensive range of support; including individual interviews, group work, assemblies, careers fairs, drop in support, careers advice surgeries, parent evenings, parents forums...

Our Careers Advisers will also ensure students make the most of free web resources and diagnostic tools such as Careers Box, Skills Explorer, National Careers Service, icould, Higher Ideas, National Apprenticeship Service, icanbea, e clips... Through careful planning and support, our advisers can help year 8 and 9 students start to develop ‘individual futures’ profiles. This will outline key areas of careers interest and how to get there with practical advice for all stakeholders i.e. students, teachers and parents.

Support can carry on through years 10 and 11 helping each student fine tune and develop their plans as they near GCSE examinations and crucial post 16 choices. Beacon East services can be further utilised to support your post 16 students; working closely with other key partners and stakeholders such as FE, HE, apprenticeship, training providers and employers ensuring students are on the correct life path.

key services

Support with your careers strategy and careers education programmes

In addition to offering careers guidance services, Beacon East can provide consultancy and advice to help develop a variety of areas at your institution.

  • Careers strategy planning supporting Ofsted and latest statutory requirements published by the government in January 2023.
  • Careers education programmes embedding careers across curriculum areas supporting the Gatsby framework
  • Business & industry linked activities.
  • Teacher and tutor CPD (Continuous Professional Development).
key support


Benefits of our services

Beacon East careers guidance advisers can help you:

  • Learn more about your career options
  • Find out the skills you will need to achieve your career goals and be better prepared to achieve them
  • Feel more confident making decisions about your career
  • Understand the importance of considering current and future job opportunities in career decision making

Whether you are at school, college, in training or looking for work, our experts are on hand to help with your plans for the future.

Our careers advisers can provide information,
advice and guidance on:

  • Choosing subjects for study at school, college or university
  • Current and future job trends and opportunities
  • Career planning and career options
  • Further and higher education
  • Apprenticeships and training
  • Entry routes and the skills & qualifications required for particular jobs
key benefits

NEACO Personal Guidance Project

The Network for East Anglian Collaborative Outreach (neaco) aims to help young people from East Anglia with little or no experience of university to explore the world of higher education. neaco work with students in years 9-13 who live in areas identified by the Government with low rates of progression to higher education. 

At the centre of the neaco project is the Take Your Place programme of activities. Take Your Place is delivered to students by Higher Education Champions who are based in schools and colleges across the region. This programme includes several strands, each addressing students' identified needs and aims to increase progression to higher education. These identified needs include improving their understanding and preparedness towards applying for higher education and improving their passion and ambition towards the idea of higher education. 

Beacon East is working in partnership with neaco on a new and innovation personal guidance programme for years 9-13 students. The programme has been designed to not only provide invaluable careers guidance but also help raise young peoples' aspirations to HE, higher level apprenticeships and training. For further information on the neaco personal guidance project contact

key benefits

What People Are Saying

"Our Beacon East careers adviser has been invaluable at our school for the last three years. Her vast experience and expertise has made a real difference. She has gone above and beyond to aid with planning and adapting to individual students' needs. I can't recommend Beacon East highly enough."


"My careers adviser really helped me with my choices and gave me the confidence to take my next step into an apprenticeship."


"Beacon East is a highly professional organisation. They have always made sure delivery is tailored and fits with our students’ individual needs. We can’t recommend Beacon East highly enough."


Make an enquiry

If you would like to enquire about any of our services then please fill out the form below with a message describing what you would like to know about.

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